Learning Pathways

BC Learning Pathways is a series of resources that help teachers develop important literacy and numeracy skills with their students. Developing literate and numerate graduates is one of the most important goals of our education system. Literacy and numeracy skills are the tools that people use to access information, make informed decisions, and communicate important information or ideas. Strong literacy and numeracy skills aren’t just important for K-12 or post-secondary education, they play an important role throughout every stage of life. 

From Kindergarten to Grade 4, elementary teachers play a crucial role in setting the foundations of reading, writing, oral language, and mathematics for their students. Achieving proficiency in these skills is important for further learning. We know students who are not reading at grade level in these early years are more likely to face academic issues or even drop out of school before graduation, so building these strong foundations is a key responsibility of our education system. We want all students to be proficient in literacy and numeracy as they are the foundation for lifelong learning, as well as career and personal development.

Developing these foundational skills is vital for student learning, but that doesn’t mean that they are the only skills students should be developing in these years. Students should also be challenged with important critical thinking and analytical thinking as well. In addition to being able to decode a written text or solve a math problem, we want to ensure that students are also developing the ability to find sources of information, evaluate the accuracy of a text, and make informed decisions based on data. In today’s world, all graduates should be equipped with the thinking skills needed to respond to abundant sources of information and misinformation. 

BC Learning Pathways brings all of these skills together through a comprehensive approach to literacy and numeracy. BC Learning Pathways supports the development of foundational English Language Arts and Mathematics skills, as well as cross-curricular literacy and numeracy thinking skills. 

Working with teams of BC teachers, the Ministry of Education and Child Care has developed the following resources to help teachers develop these skills in their classroom.

K-4 Foundations in Reading, Writing, Oral Language and Math

Proficiency Profiles

K-12 Cross Curricular Resources in Literacy and Numeracy