Students are expected to be able to know and understand the following in various contexts:
Students are expected to be able to do the following, using oral, written and visual formats:

Big Ideas

Big Ideas

A new language is acquired by listening to and reproducing the models introduced by the teacher.
Observing codes of politeness, knowing how to listen and letting others speak are practices that facilitate communication and promote respect.  
Images convey meaning and facilitate the understanding of a text
oral, written, visual
Each letter has its own graphic representation and its own sound.


Learning Standards


communication strategies:
cultural elements
elements of a story:
  • characters
  • settings
  • events
text organization:
phonemic awareness:
  • letter sounds
  • syllables
  • rhymes
spelling conventions:
  • letters of the alphabet
  • capital letters

Curricular Competency

Learning Standards

Curricular Competency

Exploring and Reflecting

Become involved in activities and discussions in order to develop a sense of belonging to the class through the use of the French language
Actively participate in listening and reading to facilitate understanding of the text
oral, written, visual
Make connections between personal knowledge and one’s learning
Make predictions based on visual formats
images, photos, videos, posters, etc. 
Recognize and name the characters and objects represented in visual formats
images, photos, videos, posters, etc. 
Recognize the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds

Creating and Communicating

Communicate ideas and emotions spontaneously, using learned vocabulary
Respond to the teacher’s instructions verbally and non-verbally
Interact with others while respecting communication strategies
Use non-conventional writing
doodles, letter strings, etc.
and drawing to convey a message
Write the letters of the alphabet