Big Ideas
Big Ideas
elements and principles that together create meaning in the arts, including but not limited to:
- dance: body
the elements of dance are universally present in all dance forms and grow in sophistication over time
, spacewhat the body is doing, including whole or partial body action, types of movement (locomotor and non-locomotor), etc.
, dynamics (dance)where the body is moving, including place, level, direction, pathway, size/reach, shape, etc.
, timehow energy is expended and directed through the body in relation to time (quick/sustained), weight (strong/light), space (direct/indirect), and flow (free/bound)
, relationshipshow the body moves in relation to time, including beat (underlying pulse), tempo, and rhythmic patterns
, formwith whom or what the body is moving; movement happens in a variety of relationship including pairs, groups, objects, and environments
, and movement principlesThe shape or structure of a dance; the orderly arrangement of thematic material. For example: phrase, beginning, middle, end, ABA, canon, call and response, narrative, abstract
alignment (mobility, stability, plumbline), weight transfer, flexibility, strength, balance, coordination
- drama: character, time, place, plot, tension, mood and focus
in drama, taking on and exploring the thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and beliefs of another
- music: beat/pulse, duration
The elements of music are universally present in all forms of vocal and instrumental music and grow in sophistication over time.
, rhythm (music)the length of a sound or silence in relation to the beat (e.g., shorter, longer, equal)
, tempothe arrangement of sounds and silences over time
, pitchthe frequency or speed of the beat
, timbrehow high or low a note is (e.g., melodic steps, skips, leaps, or repeated tones)
, dynamics (music)the characteristic quality of a sound independent of pitch and dynamics; tone colour
, form (music)relative and changing levels of sound volume (e.g., forte, piano, decrescendo)
, texturethe structure of a musical work (e.g., ABA, rondo form)
simultaneous layering of sounds (e.g., combining singing with other instruments, partner songs)
- visual arts: elements of design: line, shape, space, texture, colour, form (visual arts); principles of design
the visual element that pertains to an actual or implied three-dimensional shape of an image; visual art forms can be geometric
: patternthe planned use of the visual elements to achieve a desired effect
, repetitiona design in which shapes, colours or lines repeat with regularity
, balanceusing the same object, colour, marking, or type of line more than once
, contrast, emphasis, rhythm (visual arts)a principle of design concerned with the arrangement of one or more of the elements so that they give a sense of equilibrium in design and proportion (e.g., balance of shapes or colours, lightness and darkness)
, varietythe combination of pattern and movement to create a feeling of organized energy
includes both manual and digital technologies (e.g., electronic media, production elements, information technology, sound equipment and recording technologies, etc.); in visual arts, any visual image-making technology (e.g., paintbrush, scissors, pencil, stamp) and includes the improvisational use of miscellaneous items.
Curricular Competency
Curricular Competency
Exploring and creating
Create artistic works collaboratively and as an individual using ideas inspired by imagination, inquiry, experimentation, and purposeful play
learning that uses real-life and/or imaginary situations to engage and challenge learners’ thinking. Through planned purposeful play, students express their natural curiosity while exploring the world around them. It also provides a means for high-level reasoning and problem solving in a variety of ways. Learning can be performed collaboratively in both solo and ensemble contexts.
Reasoning and reflecting
Develop and refine ideas, processes, and technical skills in a variety of art forms
mediums of creative or artistic expression, such as painting, sculpture, plays, improvisations, dances, songs, and performances in both/either solo and/or ensemble contexts.