The K to 12 Learning Progressions demonstrate a continuum of proficiency from K to 12. They highlight what a thinking or communication skill may look like for a proficient student. The teacher development team also placed importance in using language that was applicable to all learning areas to emphasize their cross-curricular nature. In some instances, there is grade banding where the skill is still being developed but the context and complexity of the way the skill is being practised and developed is changing. For example, the text used in grade 7 may be more complex and require deeper analysis than the text used in grade 6.
The teacher development team piloted the use of the K-12 Learning Progressions to plan and deliver lessons and activities, to provide formative assessment to students, and to communicate student learning to students, parents, and caregivers. The teacher development team reflected that using the K-12 Learning Progressions helped them to purposefully incorporate the development of key literacy and numeracy skills into their teaching practise.
Literacy Learning Progressions
Literacy is the ability to understand, critically analyze, and create a variety of communication forms, including oral, written, visual, digital, and multimedia, to accomplish one’s goals.
Literate students can make meaning from text and express themselves in a variety of modes; they are able to comprehend, make connections, critically analyze, as well as create texts and communicate for a variety of purposes.
- K-12 Literacy Learning Progressions
Numeracy Learning Progressions
Numeracy is the ability to interpret and apply mathematical understanding to solve problems in a variety of contexts and to analyze and communicate these solutions in ways relevant to the given context.
Numerate students can interpret information within a given situation through the application of mathematical understanding to solve an identified problem, and then analyze and communicate a solution.
- K-12 Numeracy Learning Progressions
K-12 Learning Progressions in literacy and numeracy describe proficient cross-curricular skills linked to the Core Competencies (thinking, communication and personal social skills) found in all areas of learning.