In 2016 the Ministry of Education and Child Care began implementing a redesigned provincial curriculum that is flexible, focuses on literacy, numeracy, and the First Peoples Principles of Learning, and supports deeper learning through concept-based and competency-driven education. This educational shift to how and what students learn in the classroom requires a corresponding change to student reporting policies and practices.
After July 1, 2023, the updated K-12 Student Reporting Policy will be in effect. The policy aligns with the redesigned curriculum, unifies existing policy options, and creates consistency across the province. Updated reporting practices also ensures alignment with B.C.’s provincial assessment system. The K-12 Student Reporting Policy views learning as ongoing, rather than signaling learning is done at the end of each term or unit. It maintains high standards for students by focusing on helping all students attain proficiency in their learning.
Policy Development
The K-12 Student Reporting Policy is the result of extensive consultation and engagement with rightsholders, education partners, teachers, parents, caregivers, students, and the public. A reporting policy pilot ran from 2018 to 2022. The work was also supported by several advisory committees, development teams, and focus groups with representatives from First Nations Education Steering Committee, BC Teachers’ Federation, BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils, the BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association, the BC School Superintendents Association, and the Federation of Independent School Associations.
During the summer of 2022, a development team of teachers, school leaders and district leaders supported the Ministry in developing materials to support teachers, school leaders, parents and caregivers in the upcoming shifts to student reporting. Additional materials have been created throughout the 2022/23 school year to further support parents and caregivers and educators as they prepare for the implementation of the new policy. These materials are available below.
Implementation Support Materials
Watch this 40-minute presentation from Ministry of Education and Child Care staff for more information about K-12 student reporting in BC.
The eight module webinar series provides educators, school leaders, and district leaders with important information about the new K-12 Student Reporting Policy.
- K-12 Student Reporting Policy - Communicating Student Learning Guidelines (PDF, 7.9MB)
- K-12 Student Reporting Policy - FAQ for educators and school leaders (PDF, 160KB)
- K-12 Student Reporting Policy - Educator Summary Guide (PDF, 1MB)
- K-12 Student Reporting Policy – Informal Learning Update Summary Guide (PDF, 415KB)
- K-12 Reporting Adult Education Summary Guide (PDF, 628KB)
- K-12 Reporting Inclusive Education Summary Guide (PDF, 397KB)
- K-12 Reporting Online Learning Summary Guide (PDF, 740KB)
- The Provincial Proficiency Scale (JPG, 201KB)
- K-12 Student Reporting Policy - The F Letter Grade and K-9 Reporting (PDF, 637 KB)