Graduation assessments are changing to align with the new curriculum and international trends for large-scale assessments. As part of the updated graduation requirements, students in the B.C. Graduation Program will have to complete two* provincial assessments. They will focus on the demonstration and application of numeracy and literacy.
The Graduation Numeracy Assessment was introduced in the 2017/18 school year.
The Graduation Literacy Assessments are still under development and will be introduced in the 2019/20 school year (all Language Arts 12 examinations will continue until that time, and then be phased out in the process).
*Francophone and French Immersion students who wish to graduate with a Double Dogwood (both the British Columbia Certificate of Graduation and the Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires) will need to complete both the English Literacy Assessment plus the Évaluation de littératie – Français langue première (Francophone students) or the Évaluation de littératie – Français langue seconde – Immersion (Immersion students).