Downtown Eastside Service

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies

Teacher Voice

At a community organization, students helped unload and unpack the food bank delivery, prepared food, assisted with kitchen clean up, and provided friendly interaction with the visitors. After completing these activities, the students visited the men’s hostel and learned about the services provided to the men who stayed in the hostel each night. They learned that mental illness and a lack of affordable housing were issues for many of the homeless men.


Activity Photo



I can take purposeful action to support others and the environment.

I can build relationships and be a thoughtful and supportive friend. I can identify ways my actions and the actions of others affect my community and the natural environment. I look for ways to make my classroom, school, community, or natural world a better place and identify small things I can do that could make a difference. I demonstrate respectful and inclusive behaviour in a variety of settings, and I recognize that everyone has something to offer.