Illustration Elements
Illustration Éléments
Students were using Art Costa’s ‘Habits of Mind’ to help them identify and use common language around expected behavior in their learning community. Of the 16 Habits of Mind, the students focused on Listening with Understanding and Empathy, Managing Impulsivity, and Persisting and Thinking Flexibly. This student discusses what persistence means to him and how he has developed this trait throughout his life.
I have pride in who I am. I understand that I am a part of larger communities.
I can describe and demonstrate pride in my positive qualities, characteristics, and/or skills. I can explain why I make specific choices. I am able to represent aspects of my cultural contexts (such as family, communities, school, peer groups) through words and/or images, and describe some ways that I participate in, or am connected to, a community
I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms appropriately.
I share my ideas and try to connect them to others’ ideas. I am an active listener—I make connections and ask clarifying and extending questions when appropriate. I can plan ways to make my message clear and engaging for my audience and create communications that focus on a variety of purposes and audiences. I acquire the information I need for specific tasks and for my own interests and present it clearly.
I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms appropriately.
I share my ideas and try to connect them to others’ ideas. I am an active listener—I make connections and ask clarifying and extending questions when appropriate. I can plan ways to make my message clear and engaging for my audience and create communications that focus on a variety of purposes and audiences. I acquire the information I need for specific tasks and for my own interests and present it clearly.
I can evaluate and use well-chosen evidence to develop interpretations; identify alternatives, perspectives, and implications; and make judgments. I can examine and adjust my thinking.
I can ask questions and offer judgments, conclusions, and interpretations supported by evidence I or others have gathered. I am flexible and open-minded; I can explain more than one perspective and consider implications. I can gather, select, evaluate, and synthesize information. I consider alternative approaches and make strategic choices. I take risks and recognize that I may not be immediately successful. I examine my thinking, seek feedback, reassess my work, and adjust. I represent my learning and my goals and connect these with my previous experiences. I accept constructive feedback and use it to move forward.