Political Cartoon

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments


A class worked on determining the different perspectives stakeholder groups held on the banning of shark fin products in their city. Their community has a large traditional Chinese community and the ban is controversial. Students were taught about political cartoon devices and asked to create an original political cartoon that expressed one of the perspectives on the issue.


Teacher Reflection

The idea in this cartoon is novel in that it takes the sharks’ perspective, recognizing that sharks are also a stakeholder group in the community. This student’s cartoon has the potential to change perspectives and influence people’s thoughts and actions, not only about the shark fin issue, but also about their definition of community.

Student Work Sample


I can think “outside the box” to get innovative ideas and persevere to develop them.

I can get new ideas that are innovative, may not have been done before, and have an impact on my peers or in my community. I have interests and passions that I pursue over time. I look for new perspectives, new problems, or new approaches. I am willing to take significant risks in my thinking in order to generate lots of ideas. I am willing to accept ambiguity, setbacks and failure, and I use them to advance the development of my ideas. 


I communicate confidently, using forms and strategies that show attention to my audience and purpose.

In discussions and conversations, I am focused and help to build and extend understanding. I am an engaged listener; I ask thought-provoking questions when appropriate and integrate new information. I can create a wide range of communications featuring powerful images and words, and I identify way to change my communications to be effective for different audiences. I use my understanding of the role and impact of story to engage my audiences in making meaning. I acquire information about complex and specialized topics from various sources, synthesize it, and present it with thoughtful analysis.


I can evaluate and use well-chosen evidence to develop interpretations; identify alternatives, perspectives, and implications; and make judgments. I can examine and adjust my thinking.

I can ask questions and offer judgments, conclusions, and interpretations supported by evidence I or others have gathered. I am flexible and open-minded; I can explain more than one perspective and consider implications. I can gather, select, evaluate, and synthesize information. I consider alternative approaches and make strategic choices. I take risks and recognize that I may not be immediately successful. I examine my thinking, seek feedback, reassess my work, and adjust. I represent my learning and my goals and connect these with my previous experiences. I accept constructive feedback and use it to move forward.