Creative Thinking

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


Students were provided the following assignment:

Some of you may remember watching blurbs on television where participants could gripe for 30 seconds about their biggest pet peeves. 30 seconds to rant about those little things that bug them, like guys giving awkward man hugs, people not flushing the toilet in public restrooms, or grocery baggers putting eggs under canned goods. Consider this assignment your opportunity to speak your piece. Unleash yourself on your personal annoyances but remember: grudges against people are not appropriate subjects and humor is a wonderful way to convey your frustrations without making yourself whiny. In fact, Speaker’s Corner is a real place in England, where people, throughout history, have gone to rant about problems, generally ones of some importance.


Student Work Sample

Teacher Reflection

This student’s choice of format, the use of language, and the innovative ending created a rant that had an emotional impact on her classmates.


I can get new ideas or reinterpret others’ ideas in novel ways.

I get ideas that are new to my peers. My creative ideas are often a form of self-expression for me. I have deliberate strategies for quieting my conscious mind (e.g., walking away for a while, doing something relaxing, being deliberately playful), so that I can be more creative. I use my experiences with various steps and attempts to direct my future work.


I communicate purposefully, using forms and strategies I have practiced.

I participate in conversations for a variety of purposes (e.g., to connect, help, be friendly, learn/share). I listen and respond to others. I can consider my purpose when I am choosing a form and content. I can communicate clearly about topics I know and understand well, using forms and strategies I have practiced. I gather the basic information I need and present it.


I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms and strategies appropriately.

I share my ideas and try to connect them to others’ ideas. I am an active listener—I make connections and ask clarifying and extending questions when appropriate. I can plan ways to make my message clear and engaging for my audience and create communications that focus on a variety of purposes and audiences. I acquire the information I need for specific tasks and for my own interests and present it clearly.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


A class was planning a secret Santa exchange. A student suggested that they should make a vending machine for presents with an elf inside who would deliver the presents down a slide. She created something similar the year before, but she wanted to refine her idea. She engaged about a quarter of the students in the class in this project and they worked on it at lunchtime.


Teacher Observations

While other children helped make the vending machine, this student was the leader and visionary for behind the project. She was also very committed to problem solving; e.g., how to create the door opening, how to store gift cards safely, and how to make a slide within the space limitations. At times, the student was overly focused on smaller details such as decorations rather than on the whole design.

In the end, the student organized the building of two vending machines, one for the class secret Santa gifts for and a second one, installed in the hallway, for giving gifts to the rest of the school (the class made over 300 salt dough ornaments to hand out).

When the students finally put the Santa vending machines in place, another problem came to light. The slide as originally built stuck out too far. So she made a fold up slide that doubled as a mailbox for letters to Santa.

Students enjoyed hiding out in the half built structures – they drew homey televisions and fireplaces on the walls - as well as finally using it in the way intended.

The teacher interviewed the student and scribed her answers. The student came to recognize creativity in herself and valued discussing her thinking.

Activity Photos



I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work.

I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests. I deliberately learn a lot about something by doing research, talking to others, or practicing, so that can generate new ideas about it; the ideas often seem to just pop into my head. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and I usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries.


I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans.

I can use what I know and observe to identify problems and ask questions. I explore and engage with materials and sources. I can develop or adapt criteria, check information, assess my thinking, and develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans. I consider more than one way to proceed and make choices based on my reasoning and what I am trying to do. I can assess my own efforts and experiences and identify new goals. I give, receive, and act on constructive feedback.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments


A class worked on determining the different perspectives stakeholder groups held on the banning of shark fin products in their city. Their community has a large traditional Chinese community and the ban is controversial. Students were taught about political cartoon devices and asked to create an original political cartoon that expressed one of the perspectives on the issue.


Teacher Reflection

The idea in this cartoon is novel in that it takes the sharks’ perspective, recognizing that sharks are also a stakeholder group in the community. This student’s cartoon has the potential to change perspectives and influence people’s thoughts and actions, not only about the shark fin issue, but also about their definition of community.

Student Work Sample


I can think “outside the box” to get innovative ideas and persevere to develop them.

I can get new ideas that are innovative, may not have been done before, and have an impact on my peers or in my community. I have interests and passions that I pursue over time. I look for new perspectives, new problems, or new approaches. I am willing to take significant risks in my thinking in order to generate lots of ideas. I am willing to accept ambiguity, setbacks and failure, and I use them to advance the development of my ideas. 


I communicate confidently, using forms and strategies that show attention to my audience and purpose.

In discussions and conversations, I am focused and help to build and extend understanding. I am an engaged listener; I ask thought-provoking questions when appropriate and integrate new information. I can create a wide range of communications featuring powerful images and words, and I identify way to change my communications to be effective for different audiences. I use my understanding of the role and impact of story to engage my audiences in making meaning. I acquire information about complex and specialized topics from various sources, synthesize it, and present it with thoughtful analysis.


I can evaluate and use well-chosen evidence to develop interpretations; identify alternatives, perspectives, and implications; and make judgments. I can examine and adjust my thinking.

I can ask questions and offer judgments, conclusions, and interpretations supported by evidence I or others have gathered. I am flexible and open-minded; I can explain more than one perspective and consider implications. I can gather, select, evaluate, and synthesize information. I consider alternative approaches and make strategic choices. I take risks and recognize that I may not be immediately successful. I examine my thinking, seek feedback, reassess my work, and adjust. I represent my learning and my goals and connect these with my previous experiences. I accept constructive feedback and use it to move forward.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


This student has been working with Plasticine for over a month and shows no waning of interest. He is very animated when he tells his stories, moving the Plasticine props and puppets with his hands and making sound effects with his voice. His stories have dark themes and his use of language is quite sophisticated.


Activity Photos



I get ideas when I play.

I get ideas when I use my senses to explore. My play ideas are fun for me and make me happy. I make my ideas work or I change what I am doing.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


Students were encouraged to choose a project topic based on their own interests. This student chose robots. He spent the first part of the project doing research. How are robots used? When was the first robot created? How can I build my own robot? He created a report and a display about what he learned.

While researching, he found the Bristol Bot kits. He ordered one and followed the instructions to make a robot. After all this preparation, he realized that he could design and create his own robot. He used the remote from his Lego car to create a robot that lifted a pop can up and down. He had to keep making changes (e.g., adding pieces, altering the design) until the robot eventually worked.


Activity Photos


I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work.

I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests. I deliberately learn a lot about something by doing research, talking to others, or practicing, so that I can generate new ideas about it; the ideas often seem to just pop into my head. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and I usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries.


I can ask questions and consider options. I can use my observations, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions and make judgments.

I can ask open-ended questions, explore, and gather information. I experiment purposefully to develop options. I can contribute to and use criteria. I use observation, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions, make judgments, and ask new questions. I can describe my thinking and how it is changing. I can establish goals individually and with others. I can connect my learning to my experiences, efforts, and goals. I give and receive constructive feedback.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


A student created an Investigation Workbook of artistic research, reflection, and original work. An Investigation Workbook is a collection of ideas, critiques, drawings, materials explorations, and reflections.


Student Work Sample

Teacher Reflection

The student’s engagement with visual arts is clear. He is creative, curious, and rigorous in his investigations. He questions and challenges social norms and responds through the creation of visual representations. Not only is he observing and recording, he is analyzing the work of others and synthesizing their methodologies into his own, generating his own work and reflecting upon it.




I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area of interest or passion.

I can get ideas that are ground-breaking or disruptive and can develop them to form a body of work over time that has an impact in my community or beyond. I challenge assumptions as a matter of course and have deliberate strategies (e.g., free writing or sketching, meditation, thinking in metaphors and analogies) for getting new ideas intuitively. I have a strong commitment to a personal aesthetic and values, and the inner motivation to persevere over years if necessary to develop my ideas.


I communicate confidently, using forms and strategies that show attention to my audience and purpose.

In discussions and conversations, I am focused and help to build and extend understanding. I am an engaged listener; I ask thought-provoking questions when appropriate and integrate new information. I can create a wide range of effective communications that feature powerful images and words, and I identify ways to change my communications to make them effective for different audiences. I use my understanding of the role and impact of story to engage my audiences in making meaning. I acquire information about complex and specialized topics from various sources, synthesize it, and present it with thoughtful analysis.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


Over the course of the year, students in this class had opportunities to develop and share their mathematical thinking and strategies in response to different problems.

One student used a hundreds chart to solve an addition problem and shared his strategy with the class. The next day, a second student used this strategy to solve a more difficult problem. He had to create a way to address the problem that his addition problem resulted in a sum larger than 100.  He counted on by tens and recorded the numbers as he went until he reached the final answer.

A few weeks later, a third student was trying to add 24 and 45. He didn’t have a hundreds chart and was using his fingers to count.  At first, the teacher was concerned that he was going to try to use his fingers to count on by ones from 24 to 69. When she asked him what he was doing he said, “I started at 24 and went 34, 44, 54, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69.” He used his fingers the same way the other student had used the hundreds chart.



Student Work Sample

This student built on the ideas of his classmates over time and added a new idea of his own about how to solve a problem without using a hundreds chart.



I can get new ideas or build on or combine other people’s ideas to create new things within the constraints of a form, a problem, or materials.

I can get new ideas to create new things or solve straightforward problems. My ideas are fun, entertaining, or useful to me and my peers, and I have a sense of accomplishment. I can use my imagination to get new ideas of my own, or build on other’s ideas, or combine other people’s ideas in new ways. I can usually make my ideas work within the constraints of a given form, problem, or materials if I keep playing with them.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


Students were asked to write group essays on a poem of their choice and then reflect on their creative thinking. This group of three students chose to write their essay on “The Ballad of William Bloat” by Raymond Calvert.


Sample Student Work

Student Reflection

Teacher Observation

It took this group more than one try to complete the essay. When they got stuck, they reported that they just “did other things until they thought of something.” The teacher found that the reflections provided her with more evidence of the students’ creative thinking than did the essays themselves.



I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work.

I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests. I deliberately learn a lot about something by doing research, talking to others, or practicing, so that I can generate new ideas about it; the ideas often seem to just pop into my head. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and I usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries.


I can get new ideas or reinterpret others’ ideas in novel ways.

I get ideas that are new to my peers. My creative ideas are often a form of self-expression for me. I have deliberate strategies for quieting my conscious mind (e.g., walking away for a while, doing something relaxing, being deliberately playful), so that I can be more creative. I use my experiences with various steps and attempts to direct my future work.


I communicate purposefully, using forms and strategies I have practiced.

I participate in conversations for a variety of purposes (e.g., to connect, help, be friendly, learn and share). I listen and respond to others. I can consider my purpose when I am choosing a form and content. I can communicate clearly about topics I know and understand well, using forms and strategies I have practiced. I gather the basic information I need and present it.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


This student learned to make duct tape wallets from YouTube videos and has eagerly pursued this new interest. This is not a school project but rather a hobby that he has shared with his teacher and classmates.

From the outset, he combined features he saw in different videos as well as real wallets. He gradually added and mastered new techniques (e.g., stenciling and weaving) and experimented with colour and style. He currently produces and sells wallets that are customized wallets for friends, family, and classmates.


Student Work Samples


Student Reflection

Presently, people ask me for specifically designed and colour schemed wallets. I follow a combination of processes described below. Wallet making has been a step-by-step, technique building creative process for me. Through investment of research, time, effort and trial and error, I have reached a point where I can create unique and individual "customized" wallets.



I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work.

I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests. I deliberately learn a lot about something by doing research, talking to others, or practicing, so that I can generate new ideas about it; the ideas often seem to just pop into my head. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and I usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries.



I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans.

I can use what I know and observe to identify problems and ask questions. I explore and engage with materials and sources. I can develop or adapt criteria, check information, assess my thinking, and develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans. I consider more than one way to proceed and make choices based on my reasoning and what I am trying to do. I can assess my own efforts and experiences and identify new goals. I give, receive, and act on constructive feedback. 

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


Students were asked to construct a functioning model construction crane like the ones dominating the skyline in their community.


Teacher Reflection

This student and her group researched cranes online, created a design sketch, assembled materials, developed multiple versions of the design, tested component pieces, redesigned a half-lap joint that proved too weak, and then built the crane. She incorporated a swivel scavenged from an old computer hard drive into the final design.

Activity Photos

“So what we are doing is making cranes, like the tower cranes on construction sites, out of wood, and right now we are making a prototype with paper to test out whether our design would work, so we wouldn’t go into the final process of making and then find out that it was not working. The idea came from pictures on-line, and then some other inspirations from other students…how you make the cranes, and cranes that are used in construction.”

 “I’m making the pieces… the outside would be made of wood, and the inside would be made of paper.  That’s our design, we have to have multiple other designs … we can kind of see what we are going to be making… we make multiple rough drafts and then make a final design and then a prototype.  I think we are using weights and actually lifting them.”

“So last time, in between the cross-braces, I had a criss-cross design, a half-lap joint, but then I tried it, I kind of made an experiment, and it wouldn’t work because this part was too weak, so I changed it to one side… I tested this new design yesterday to see if it would hold up, and it seems to work well.”

“So now I’m just making seven more of the same, and then after that I’m going to make the top part, the jib of the crane.  And then I put it together.”

“I have a spinny thing for the crane; I found this in a hard-drive; I found a hard-drive and then I took it apart, and this came out.


I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work.

I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests. I deliberately learn a lot about something by doing research, talking to others, or practicing, so that I can generate new ideas about it; the ideas often seem to just pop into my head. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries.


 I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans.

I can use what I know and observe to identify problems and ask questions. I explore and engage with materials and sources. I can develop or adapt criteria, check information, assess my thinking, and develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans. I consider more than one way to proceed and make choices based on my reasoning and what I am trying to do. I can assess my own efforts and experiences and identify new goals. I give, receive, and act on constructive feedback.