Critical and Reflective Thinking

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments


A student reflects on her performance singing a duet. In her reflection, she:

  • Describes her learning
  • Analyzes her own communication
  • Considers a variety of communication aspects (verbal and nonverbal)
  • Talks about her musical style
  • Reflects on her collaboration


Student Reflection Video


I can facilitate group processes and encourage collective responsibility for our progress.

I play a role in collectively monitoring the progress of the group and adjust my contributions as needed. I recognize the interdependence of our roles and draw on these to move us forward. I ask thought-provoking questions, integrate new information and various perspectives from others, and think critically about whose voices are missing. I can disagree respectfully, and I anticipate potential conflicts and help manage them when they arise. I give, receive, and act on constructive feedback in support of our goals, and I can evaluate and revise plans with other group members.


I communicate with intentional impact, in well-constructed forms that are effective in terms of my audience and in relation to my purpose.

I contribute purposefully to discussions and conversations. I synthesize, deepen, and transform my own and others’ thinking. I can weave multiple messages into my communications; I understand that my audience will use their own knowledge and experiences in making meaning. I show understanding and control of the forms and technologies I use; I can assess audience response and draw on a repertoire of strategies to increase my intended impact. I can acquire, critically analyze, and integrate well-chosen information from a range of sources.


I can examine evidence from various perspectives to analyze and make well-supported judgments about and interpretations of complex issues.

I can determine my own framework and criteria for tasks that involve critical thinking. I can compile evidence and draw reasoned conclusions. I consider perspectives that do not fit with my understandings. I am open-minded and patient, taking the time to explore, discover, and understand. I make choices that will help me create my intended impact on an audience or situation. I can place my work and that of others in a broader context. I can connect the results of my inquiries and analyses with action. I can articulate a keen awareness of my strengths, my aspirations and how my experiences and contexts affect my frameworks and criteria. I can offer detailed analysis, using specific terminology, of my progress, work and goals.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments


Students were exploring the effects of pushes and pulls, as well as size, shape, and materials on movement. They were encouraged to work cooperatively in small groups to create a structure with ramps to use in their experiments.


Activity Photo

Experimenting with forces using ramps

Teacher Reflection

I heard things like:

  • Should we make it taller?
  • Can you please hold this?
  • Wait, maybe this will work!
  • We have to connect it better
  • Do you think it (the ball) can go up again?
  • What if you put it underneath?
  • That’s awesome!
  • Here!  What if you try it? (gives another student the ball)

I observed:

  • Students making decisions both collaboratively and independently
  • Students sharing their ideas confidently
  • Students taking turns and using positive language to encourage their peers
  • All students making contributions to the creation
  • Students persevering when they encountered challenges and looking to each other for support and encouragement
  • Students showing innovative thinking and taking risks to try new things
  • Students communicating their ideas and needs to one another effectively
  • Students being proud to share their creations with others

I contribute during group activities with peers and share roles and responsibilities to achieve goals.

I take on different roles and tasks in the group and work respectfully and safely in our shared space. I express my ideas and help others feel comfortable to share theirs so that all voices are included. I work with others to achieve a common goal and can evaluate our group processes and results.



I communicate purposefully using forms and strategies I have practiced.

I participate in conversations for a variety of purposes (e.g., to connect, help, be friendly, learn/share). I listen and respond to others. I can consider my purpose when I am choosing a form and content. I can communicate clearly about topics I know and understand well, using forms and strategies I have practiced. I gather and present basic information I need.


I can ask questions and consider options. I can use my observations, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions and make judgments.

I can ask open-ended questions, explore, and gather information. I experiment purposefully to develop options. I can contribute to and use criteria. I use observation, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions, make judgments, and ask new questions. I can describe my thinking and how it is changing.  I can establish goals individually and with others. I can connect my learning to my experiences and efforts and goals. I give and receive constructive feedback.

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


A class has been developing an understanding that mathematicians make mistakes, take risks, ask questions, work alone and together, and reflect on their learning. They have built, and continue to build, a math community where they feel safe to take risks and can learn from one another. Students regularly do number talks to discuss how they might solve a mathematical problem and explain their thinking. After participating in a number talk, a student reflects on her ability to communicate her thinking during these talks.


Student Work Sample

Student Reflection (based on prompts)

  • Prompt: I chose _________ to show how I have been developing my communication skills.
  • Student: I chose number talks to show how I have been developing my communication skills.
  • Prompt: It shows my ability to communicate…
  • Student: In number talks, I feel like we all communicate better in number talks then when we are just doing math on piece of paper it is harder to communicate.
  • Prompt: How does this learning opportunity support you as a learner?
  • Student: I enjoy number talks because most teachers will just give you paper but instead we get to express our thinking to other people and we get to learn from others and it really feels like a fun thing to do in your class.
  • Prompt: I want you to notice….
  • Student: that number talks are about how we think differently then others in our class. When you do number talks you are learning different strategies from other people.
  • Prompt: I am still learning…
  • Student: how to explain my thinking to other people. I find it hard to explain my thinking to other people because I am still learning how to use the right wording to share my thinking.
  • Prompt: I will….
  • Student: get better at explaining my thinking. One of the ways I am getting better at explaining my thinking is by doing number talks more often in our class and hearing other people in our class and learning how they would say it.

I can ask questions and consider options. I can use my observations, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions and make judgments.

I can ask open-ended questions, explore, and gather information. I experiment purposefully to develop options. I can contribute to and use criteria. I use observation, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions, make judgments, and ask new questions. I can describe my thinking and how it is changing.  I can establish goals individually and with others. I can connect my learning to my experiences, efforts, and goals. I give and receive constructive feedback.


I communicate purposefully using forms and strategies I have practiced.

I participate in conversations for a variety of purposes (e.g., to connect, help, be friendly, learn/share). I listen and respond to others.  I can consider my purpose when I am choosing a form and content. I can communicate clearly about topics I know and understand well, using forms and strategies I have practiced. I gather the basic information I need and present it.