Lego Creations

This class was engaged in exploring 3D shapes as part of the Mathematics curriculum. The teacher gave them the story Changes, Changes by Pat Hutchin. In this wordless picture book, each page uses the same blocks to create different objects to tell a story. The students were then asked to create different objects with the exact same pieces of Lego. When they finished creating something using all their pieces, they took a picture with an iPad and then started again. They used the app Picollage to create the collages.

Political Cartoon

A Humanities class worked on determining the different perspectives of various stakeholder groups on the banning of all shark fin products in their city. Their community has a large traditional Chinese community and the ban is controversial. Students were taught about political cartoon devices and asked to create an original political cartoon that expressed one of the perspectives on the issue. The idea in this cartoon is novel in that it takes the sharks’ perspective, recognizing that sharks are also a stakeholder group in the community.