Big Ideas

Big Ideas

One’s self-image is revealed by one’s choice of message and the way it is communicated.
The diversity of cultural elements in texts
oral, written, visual
reflects the cultural diversity within society.
The nuances in a text
oral, written, visual
can be discovered through inferences.  
Characters are defined by who they are, but also by how others see them.  
The use of stylistic devices and specific vocabulary creates unique effects.


Learning Standards


Students are expected to be able to know and understand the following in various contexts:
communication strategies:
  • active listening
    the recipient is physically and intellectually engaged, and reacts to what is heard 
  • expressions of courtesy
    use of “tu” and “vous”
  • consideration of other people’s perspectives
cultural elements
literary elements:
text organization:
language elements:

Curricular Competency

Learning Standards

Curricular Competency

Students are expected to be able to do the following, using oral, written and visual formats:

Exploring and Reflecting

Recognize the diversity of cultural elements from Aboriginal and other cultures, within the same society
Identify the main idea and details in a text
oral, written, visual
Formulate hypotheses based on textual cues
revealing signs in a text (e.g., discourse markers, key words, themes, images, etc.)
Make inferences based on a text
oral, written, visual
Identify the role that characters play in a narrative
Know how to distinguish between and use reference tools
e.g., dictionaries
for definition and translation

Creating and Communicating

Express opinions and consider the opinions of others in discussions
Read a text
oral, written, visual
with fluency and intonation, pronouncing the liaisons between words
Respond to a text
oral, written, visual
by asking spontaneous questions
Plan the content of a message based on the intended audience
Use stylistic elements
figures of speech and other stylistic devices
to create a unique effect
Organize ideas into structured paragraphs
Respect the grammatical and lexical spelling rules learned in producing one’s own written and oral work