First Peoples Principles of Learning

From Memoir to Podcast

For years I have been inviting students to share their stories through various writing assignments in the class, and I always try to connect students’ worlds with those they encounter in literature. Memoir writing is a powerful medium through which students can reflect on and share moments that have shaped who they are.

Grade Level(s)

The Teenage Brain

Students are living in an increasingly complex world. We want them to learn about the holistic model of health and see how mental wellness is connected to their physical health and development. We want them to know that they have choices and be empowered to take care of their own health.

Grade Level(s)

Quarks and Leptons

The purpose of this lesson is to further explore the building blocks of matter. Before this lesson, students would have explored the kinetic molecular theory and early models of the atom. Students should be comfortable with the concept that the atom is made up of three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Grade Level(s)

How Does One Person Make a Difference?

Through this unit, students think about and reflect on how they can make changes in themselves, in their local community, and globally. The unit begins by asking students to identify who they are as a person and what makes them who they are. From this self-analysis, the unit moves on to examine how one person can affect the story of another person’s life, and then how that story can have an impact on a group, the community, and the world. 

Grade Level(s)

Rate of Perceived Exertion

Students develop  their ability to self-monitor and adjust their physical exertion levels. Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate various methods to achieve their desired levels of physical exertion based on the type of physical activity they are participating in. 

Grade Level(s)

Healthy Relationships

Students explore and learn about the various characteristics of a healthy relationship regardless of what type of environment they are in. Furthermore, rather than me explaining the interpersonal behaviour expectations for the class, students develop this list with their peers.

Grade Level(s)

Creating a Probablity Game

We were looking for a cross-curricular way to address probability content in Grade 4 Mathematics and content from Applied Design 4, which is new to the curriculum. We came up with the idea of making a game of chance, because we felt that the process of creating a game would reinforce new concepts in math and applied design by giving students an opportunity to apply these concepts in practice.  

Grade Level(s)