First Peoples Principles of Learning

A Literacy-Based Approach in Core French

This instructional sample illustrates a sequence of lessons using a literacy-based approach in a Grade 6 Core French classroom. Although this particular sample was filmed in a Grade 6 classroom, the approaches demonstrated in the video are applicable to a range of grade levels. 
Grade Level(s)

My Attributes, Our Opportunites

In this unit, students will identify their personal attributes and use this information to set personal goals. They will experience activities that require them to work both alone and with others to be successful. Through working with others, they will also be able to identify attributes of other people and how these influence their own learning. They will learn to set personal goals and work toward them using an action plan. They will also make connections to careers and learn about the attributes needed for success in certain careers. 

First Peoples' Principles of Learning

This website is created to help educators in British Columbia understand how they might incorporate the First Peoples Principles of Learning (FPPL) into their classrooms and schools.

Place-based Mathematics

Teachers and students at Richmond elementary schools, including Lord Byng and Tomekichi Homma, have been examining how mathematics can be experienced in the community, and connecting with stories of place. Inspired by the book Tluuwaay Waadluxan Mathematical Adventures, created by Elders, educators, community members, and students in Haida Gwaii, the Richmond teachers and students have looked for mathematics in their community and posed and solved problems of interest to them.

Designing and Marketing a Product

This learning activity shows an example of cross-curricular teaching in which students have an opportunity to be innovators and constructors of their own learning. In focusing on designing and marketing a product, this learning activity mirrors the interdisciplinary nature of the world: to be successful in business it is important to have creative ideas, good communication skills, and a solid understanding of financial matters. Therefore, it felt natural and realistic to combine Math, Applied Design, and Language Arts in this activity. 
Grade Level(s)


Through the exploration of text, discussion, and the activities of the lesson, students have opportunities to respond to the inquiry question with an informed and thoughtful voice. As students engage with text, collaborate with one another, create personal responses to text, and finally reflect on the process of their learning, they are doing so purposefully, considering the inquiry question. 
Grade Level(s)


Through this Makerspace activity, students come to know that Arts Education/Design and Science share a common process that involves the development and testing of hypotheses through direct investigation. Makerspaces incorporate thinking, inquiry, making and hands-on experiential learning through active engagement within small groups. 
Grade Level(s)